The Lanin volcano is one of the most outstanding Andean figures of the Patagonia. Its greatness figure spreads admiration from the most forgotten places of the region.. It can be seen from 200 km away and it is difficult to confuse it with its magnanimous neighbors VILLARRICA (still active ), OSORNO and LLAIMA. Its name “LAN-IN” comes from the mapuche language and has several meanings: ”death rock”…and “ to get sink or we are sinking”
You canclimb it by all its faces. The hardest wall is the southern one which has the most difficult technique; the most used is the northern one. It is a demanding ascent and it has three basic and typical mountain shelters: BIM (military infantry battalion) at 2250 mts., RIM (Military infantry regimen) at 2350 mts (nowadays out of service) and CAJA (Junín de los Andes Andean club) at 2450 mts. The view from its summit is extraordinary. If you look to the south you can observe (from the base) the lakes Huechulafquen, Paimún, Epulafquen , Lolog ,Lacar and the exceptional view of the Tronador Mount (3554 m.a.s.l.) in the south of Bariloche. To the south: the Tromen, Quillwn, Ñorquinco lakes and to the West all the Chilean volcanos. This is an invitation to visit a magic but real mountain, a chance that nature offers us to live with our spirit full of emotions and feelings
Special dates: Dates upon request for minimum groups of 4
Day 0 (previous day): Meeting in San Martin de los Andes with the guides team. Previous advice on accommodation, rented equipment and equipment review. In the afternoon. General preparations.
Day 1: Transfer on charter vehicle to the Paso Tromen located at the foot of the north face of the Lanin Volcano, where the park ranger station is located, which will control the team of the expedition members. In the first stage, after ascending approximately 5/7 hours, we arrived at one of the mountain shelters located at approximately 2350 m.a.s.l. Dinner and night in the shelter or in a tent (depending on availability).
Day 3: Very early (3 am) and after a hearty breakfast we will begin our attempt to summit. From this height on, the march is through permanent snowfields (from October to January), so the use of crampons and picks is essential for walking (the day before or before the ascent, a brief explanation of how to use them and your safety). Before noon the summit is reached (3776 m.a.s.l.). After the festivities and the corresponding photoshoot, the descent begins to the refuge area and from there to the base. Transfer back to San Martin de los Andes to accommodation. End of our services.
Difficulty and specifications for the ascent:
It is a demanding ascent. On the first day we make an ascendant between 5 to 6 hours until we reach the shelter area at 1300 mts. We will spend the night in a shelter or tent depending on the availability. The second day (if the weather conditions is good) we will go for the summit leaving the shelter between 3 or 4 am (at night and using headlamp).This unevenness is about 1400 mts and it is located in a more technical terrain (long ice loosen rock slabs). We can only be in the summit for a few minutes to take some pictures and hydrate ourselves. Then we will descend to our night shelter, rest for a while and take our equipments to continue our descent to the mountain base (according to a new disposition established a few years ago, it is not possible to spend another night in the mountain). In the base, a transport will be waiting for us.
Lanin volcano (3776 masl). Expedition with ascent to summit
3776 m.a.s.l. - Conventional: trekking - ascent - mountaineering
3776 masl - Conventional: trekking - ascent - mountaineering
3776 masl - Trekking, ascent, mountaineering
In the mountains we sleep only one night. In a sleeping bag and insulating in mountain tents or Domes (large tents). There is also the possibility, depending on the indication and availability of the national park, of using one of the shelters (without services or beds).
The technical difficulty goes through slopes of 35 degrees with the use of crampons; and physical difficulty onthe second day, trying the summit and having to descend to the base.
For any mountain activity you need to have a previous physical preparation, or be physically active. In this case we suggest training (jogging twice to three times a week, cycling or swimming) and doing a good leg workout (gym, crossfit, , etc.)
We recommend walking at least once before this trekking with a backpack in another trail. Summit day is usually hard.
Overnight is in mountain camps or in mountain refuge.
Tents are included in the service.
Although we will be there in spring, temperatures tend to be low at night.
Between 10 - 12 kilos
Yes. We have breaks for lunch, snacks and rests.
13 years old , ask us before signing up
No. Everyone must carry in his/her own backpack, personal equipment. You can hire porter although you should consult and book early.
In all our expeditions we provide the meal service ON FULL BOARD
Cold meals/Lunches: Milanesa (tradional Argentine beef cut) and tomato sandwiches, sandwiches, snacks, salads, tapas, etc.
Dinners: Vegetable stews-bacon-red chorizo, chicken and vegetable casseroles, pasta with various sauces or stew, roasted meat, Chaw Fan, chicken with rice , pizzas ....
Breakfasts and snacks: Tea, Coffee, Cappuccino, Mate Cocido, Mate, Milk powder; bread, cookies, jam, honey, dulce de leche; cereals, fruit.
Individual bag with energetic snacks: Nougats, bars, nuts, chocolates, alfajores, candies, others ...
It is necessary to complete the personal / medical file to clarify if you have any special diet
20% Up to 5 Kilos: Short excursion walks / Trekking Talampaya
40% Up to 8/10 Kilos: Round-trip trekking / Vallecitos 3 and 4-day programs
60% Up to 12/15 kilos: Crossing trekking with porting / Crossing of the Andes Paso Portillo
80% More than 15/18 kilos: Cross-country trekkings with little or no portage / Trekkings in Patagonia (Paso Vuriloche, PN Lanin or Nahuel Huapi, etc)
100% More than 25 Kilos: With a lot of equipment on top and little or no porting / Continental Ice
20% half a day or less with little unevenness.
40% more sustained slopes and longer days in the activity. 2-3 days / more than 6 hours per day.
60% Long ascents and descents with a longer duration. Ascents to more than 4000 meters in the central mountain range / intense 4-day trekking (Uruguayan plane)
80% Important work of legs in resistance. Very long days. Very long day ascents (Lanin - Domuyo) or more than 5000 meters. Ice courses.
100% Maximum demand. Aerobic work and constant effort on legs. Continental Ice, Aconcagua, mountains of more than 6000 meters.
20% flat land
40% trails with moderate ups and downs. General crossing trekkings . Sierra de la Ventana, Córdoba, Patagonia, Cuyo, north, others. Classic ascents
60% Steeper slopes and trails. Possible use of crampons. Domuyo, Cordón del Plata, Cordillera Central.
80% Mixed terrain, with snow or ice. Alvear, Lanin, Tronador. Bolivia, Peru.
100% Highly technical terrain. Glacial transit and climbing in sections. Hill climbing with sections on slopes of more than 60 ° inclination
20% We will not be much affected.
40% This is a normal level of attention.
60% We require more motivation, enthusiasm and concentration.
80% The activity will require us to be very connected and convinced.
100% Maximum control and emotional-psychological performance.
0% + sea level.
20% Up to 2000 masl.
40% + 2000 masl.
60% + 4000 masl.
80% + 5000 masl.
100% + 6000 masl.